Stories From Haiti

These stories are from the community of Novian, written as an update, in their own voice.

“There are many things I did not know yet, either Physical or Spiritual. What causes diarrhoea? When somebody has diarrhoea, what can you do for him? I put them into practice (sic: what I ´ve learned in CHE) I understand (the importance) of treating water that we drink. We started making Oral Rehydration Serum at home and teach others to do it too. I encourage people to go to the hospital if diarrhoea does not stop. They call me “doc” in the neighbourhood. I did not know Jesus either. I came to know Him as my personal saviour and lord through CHE. I was not patient before, but now I have patience. I accepted Jesus in 2011. We do spiritual lessons, like how to live when you are in Jesus. All those that live in my house have become Christians. I started reading the Bible, and came to understand that it was not good to live how I did. I was also very shy, but thanks to CHE, when I go to the training and do home visits I have learned how to approach people to teach others. These came through my trainer, Solencia who is with us until now.”

-Junior Ducatel, CHE committee President

“I am a member of the CHE program in Novion, but I suffer much stress at home, to the point of dominating me. I used to keep thinking and worrying too much. Miss Margarette, the nurse encouraged me to join the CHE program to learn good things for my life to change, physically and spiritually. I joined the team to start receiving training as a CHE worker. We learned how to teach others. Through CHE I accepted Jesus and 7 months ago I got baptized. I entered CHE in 2001, but it was only between 2010 and 2011 that I really committed to it, we understand the lessons better, specially the spiritual lessons, how to walk with Jesus. Then I received a Bible. If you have a Bible at home, a personal Bible, you understand better. You can read it at home, you can understand what they teach at church, you read some stories that encourage you to know Jesus better, (I got a Bible last year), and that helped me a lot. I remain in prayer; I like praying because it keeps me close to God. With prayer you do not sin that much. You are closer to God. I hope that you can plan to cover the whole area with CHE in Novion and Bayeux through Medical Ambassadors Haiti.”

-Madam Lifrand Desrosier, CHE committee treasurer

“I have been involved with CHE for the past 9 years. A friend was a CHE worker and invited me to the perinatal classes, since I was pregnant. They showed me how the baby develops in the womb, my friend kept an eye on my condition. They taught us how to take care of ourselves, how the baby is at 2 months, 6 months, with images on a little book.

There were other booklets, like the one on the worm Ascaris, explaining why we should not walk barefoot. I started to teach others, especially if I saw they were at risk, teaching them not to let their children go barefoot. When I showed them the booklets with the pictures they believed it was true. They saw the need to change the way they lived.

I can make tomato jam now, we made them together, along with guava jelly.

Change has to come to your home first, before you can tell others. I used to cook on the fire just on the floor. Now I use a raised fireplace, and I showed a neighbour how to do it.

CHE showed me lots of things that needed to be changed. I did not know much about diarrhoea . When one of my children is sick I pay more attention, I make ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts), We treat the water we drink, we wash our hands. CHE helps us do practical prevention.”

-Anarose Pierre , CHE volunteer